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Corporate Members and Supporters

Our Corporate Members are the front runners in gender diversity. They recognise that boardroom diversity helps mitigate risk and that Non-Executive experience is a powerful tool for developing and retaining their most talented women.

Corporate Membership benefits:


  • Access to a considerable talent pool for own board appointments

  • Corporate candidates:

    • Get access and exposure to a large group of European Chairmen/Chairwomen

    • Are provided with extensive pre and post event support

    • Gain increased confidence and understanding of board level issues, also valuable in their day-jobs

  • Support in building internal female role models who help bring forward the next generation of talented women

  • Enhance an already solid corporate reputation for diversity

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"It was a pleasure to host the PBF at our Zurich Development Centre. I was impressed by the turnout and commitment of my fellow Chairmen, as well as the high calibre contributions from an impressive group of Non-Executive director candidates. We look forward to hosting the next Swiss PBF event.”"

Michel M. Liès, Chairman, Zurich Insurance Group

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“At Shell we have supported the Professional Boards Forum since 2012, and the women who come to PBF events have great things going for them. I was a participant 

previously and now have a new role as President Director of Shell Nederland. PBF helped to prepare me for this role.”

Marjan van Loon, President Director, Shell Nederland

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