If you are interested in sponsoring a Professional Boards Forum event, and in helping to promote gender diversity in the boardroom, please get in contact to find out more about the ways this can benefit your organisation.
For more information, download our brochure.
Our UK Corporate Members
Gerard Kleisterlee
Chairman, Vodafone Group plc
“Vodafone is proud to support the Professional Boards Forum. The Forum is highly beneficial for both FTSE companies and female candidates. It provides a channel for a world-class talent pool, providing boards with ready access to a cadre of highly skilled women. And it has provided guidance and support to the many capable women who have so much to offer in the UK's boardrooms.”
Donald Brydon
Chairman, Sage Group plc, London Stock Exchange Group plc
“The Professional Boards Forum has got it just right - relevant, well structured, thoughtful and providing real value added.”
Ian Powell
Chairman, Capita plc
Formerly: Chairman, PwC
"I am delighted to be involved with the Professional Boards Forum. At PwC one of our key priorities is the identification and advancement of top female talent. We have too few women at Executive Board level where at best we mirror the demographics of business both in the UK and globally. This is a serious concern for us but we are determined to change by focusing on talent management and leadership succession planning.
We are very deliberately taking specific actions to ensure the rich diversity of talent that we attract to PwC is reflected at every level of the organisation. I am optimistic about future change as today we have more female partners than ever before in our history. Our challenge now is to ensure they are well placed to assume leadership roles in the near future by giving them the best opportunities, access to key influencers and ongoing development and support."
Rick Waddell
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Northern Trust Corporation
“Northern Trust is a strong advocate of diversity in all regards. As a company that has seen more than 120 years of sustained growth, we know that embedding diversity within our organisation enhances our ability to deliver long-term value to shareholders, clients and staff. The involvement of senior women on the boards of corporations - in the UK and overseas - is critical. We are delighted to have the opportunity to sponsor The Professional Boards Forum and actively support its important role.”
Sir Philip Hampton
Chairman, GlaxoSmithKline plc
“I am a supporter of encouraging women to take up Board positions; this is not about meeting quotas but about selecting the best people for the job. At RBS our female board members all add huge value in their own right, often bringing a different perspective to critical business issues from which we all benefit”.
Greg Wood
Co-Founder, BoardEx
"BoardEx is delighted to partner with the Professional Boards Forum, which is uniquely placed to measure and track the gender diversity evolution. BoardEx research, build and then maintain on a daily basis, high quality profiles of the entire main board and all C-Suite directors, running the largest 19,000 companies, globally. We analyse the gender of over 850,000 individuals.
In 2006, 6.6% of UK Non-Executive directors were women – now this is at just over 25%. The Professional Boards Forum has played – and will continue to play – a large role in this welcome shift and the journey towards 33%.”
David Thomlinson
International Chairman Royal Academy of Engineering
Chairman Moixa Energy
“Accenture UK is proud to sponsor the Professional Boards Forum and their work to improve diversity in the boardroom. Sponsoring the non-executive director board appointments of our most skilled and capable women is a critical step in our overall diversity journey. It will bring new approaches, skill sets and styles of leadership to the business today, and at the same time prepare us for a better tomorrow.”
Sir John Parker
Chairman, Anglo American plc
“I enjoyed the Professional Boards Forum event – the format was both fun and stimulating."